# Backend Installation & Configuration ## Demo/Quickstart/Development If you're just wanting to quickly evaluate or demo Seizu, please see the [quickstart documentation](../dev/docker-compose.html#Quickstart). ## Installation using docker image ```bash # first setup your environment in an env file, according to the configuration instructions docker pull ghcr.io/paypay/seizu:latest docker run --env-file ghcr.io/paypay/seizu:latest ``` ## Backend configuration ### Basic configuration When using the docker image, the defaults should be sufficient for basic configuration. * ``DEBUG``: Whether or not seizu is run in debug mode. This should never be set outside of development; default: ``False`` * ``HOST``: IP address to listen on; default: ```` * ``PORT``: Port to listen on; default: ``8080`` * ``STATIC_FOLDER``: location of the react app build directory; default: ``/build`` ### Frontend configuration seizu will pass configuration to the backend via a configuration endpoint. It uses this configuration to build the dashboard, reports, and to connect to Neo4j. When using the docker image, the defaults for the reporting configuration file and schema file should be sufficient, but you will want to bind mount in the configuration file to the location defined in ``REPORTING_CONFIG_FILE``. * ``REPORTING_CONFIG_FILE``: location to the dashboard configuration; default: ``/reporting-dashboard.conf`` * ``REPORTING_CONFIG_SCHEMA_FILE``: location to the dashboard configuration jsonschema; default: ``/reporting-dashboard.schema.json`` * ``NEO4J_USER_PROTOCOL``: The protocol to use, from the frontend, to connect to Neo4j; default: ``bolt+s`` * ``NEO4J_USER_PORT``: The port to use, from the frontend, to connect to Neo4j; default: ``7687`` * ``NEO4J_USER_HOSTNAME``: The hostname to use, from the frontend, to connect to Neo4j; default: ``localhost`` * ``NEO4J_CONSOLE_URL``: The link to the Neo4j console, to provide to users, in the frontend; default: ``https://localhost:7473`` * ``SECRET_KEY``: Flask session secret key for for sessions and CSRF. Set to some long, random string; default: ``None`` ### Neo4j configuration If you wish you use any of the workers, or SSO, it's necessary to configure access from the backend to Neo4j. * ``NEO4J_URI``: the URL to connect to neo4j; default: ``bolt://localhost:7687`` * ``NEO4J_USER``: the username to use to connect; default: ``None`` * ``NEO4J_PASSWORD``: the password to use to connect; default: ``None`` ### Auth configuration #### Password auth configuration If you are managing your own neo4j user credentials, and want to directly authenticate against neo4j, you can adjust the ``AUTH_MODE`` to defer to the client. * ``AUTH_MODE``: The mode to use for authentication. In this case, ``client`` should be set; default: ``auto`` #### SSO configuration seizu, when placed behind a load balancer or API gateway that handles OAuth2 and provides a JWT, can automatically create short-lived users in neo4j, and auto-clean them when expired. When users access the UI, the UI will fetch Neo4j credentials from the backend. This currently requires Dynamodb, to track the users. * ``GENERATED_PASSWORD_LENGTH``: Length of password in bytes to auto-generate for users; default: ``50`` * ``PASSWORD_EXPIRATION_TIME``: Time in seconds until generated passwords expire; default: ``86400`` (24 hours) * ``USER_SCAN_FREQUENCY``: The frequency in seconds for how often we'll scan for expired users; default: ``10`` * ``USERS_EXCEMPT_FROM_EXPIRATION``: A comma separated list of users that shouldn't be tracked for expiration (permanent users); default: ``neo4j`` * ``AWS_DEFAULT_REGION``: Must be set to the region the server is running; default: ``ap-northeast-1`` * ``DYNAMODB_TABLE``: Name of the dynamodb table used to track user password time expirations; default: ``seizu`` * ``DYNAMODB_URL``: Override for the default dynamodb (to use local dynamodb in development); default: ``None`` * ``DYNAMODB_CREATE_TABLE``: Whether or not to auto-create the dynamodb table (for development); default: ``False`` * ``JWKS_URL``: JWKS location to use to validate JWT. ``{AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}`` and ``{kid}`` can be used as template variables; default: ``https://public-keys.auth.elb.{AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}.amazonaws.com/{kid}`` * ``JWKS_URL_FOR_ALB``: AWS ALBs use a URL that fetches a KID directly, while other providers use a URL that has a JSON file with a list of keys. If using an ALB, this should be false, if using a standard JSON file with a list of keys, this should be true; default: ``True`` * ``ALLOWED_JWT_ALGORITHMS``: A comma separated list of algorithms we allow for JWT signing; default: ``ES256,ES512`` * ``DEVELOPMENT_ONLY_REQUIRE_AUTH``: Whether or not to require authentication. This option should only be changed in development; default: ``True`` * ``DEVELOPMENT_ONLY_AUTH_USER_EMAIL``: The email address of the fake user when authentication is disabled. This option should only be changed in development; default: ``testuser`` * ``AUTH_MODE``: The mode to use for authentication. In this case, ``auto`` should be set; default: ``auto`` ### Scheduled queries * ``ENABLE_SCHEDULED_QUERIES``: Whether or not scheduled queries should be enabled. Note that if the worker is not running, scheduled queries will not run, even if this is set to true; default: ``True`` * ``SCHEDULED_QUERY_FREQUENCY``: The frequency in seconds for how often we'll attempt to run scheduled queries; default: ``20`` * ``SCHEDULED_QUERY_MODULES``: A comma separated list of python import locations for available scheduled query modules; default: ``reporting.scheduled_query_modules.sqs,reporting.scheduled_query_modules.slack`` ### Statsd configuration Through the stats worker, seizu can send the results of queries configured in the dashboard configuration to your time series service, via statsd. Note that the statsd support uses tags, so your time series database must also support tagging (like datadog, new relic, etc), and the statsd server your sending to must also support tags (like telegraf, with datadog extensions enabled). * ``STATSD_HOST``: The hostname of the statsd server; default: ``None`` * ``STATSD_PORT``: The port of the statsd server; default: ``8125`` * ``STATSD_CONSTANT_TAGS``: A comma separated list of ``tag_name:tag_value`` tags to apply to every stat; default: ``None`` * ``DASHBOARD_STATS_MAX_INPUT_RESULTS``: When sending stats for panels that have an input, only send stats if the number of values in the input is less than this number; default: ``100``; ### Logging configuration seizu ships with a sane json structured logging configuration, and good defaults, but you can override them via a config file. Note that this setting is for the workers. You'll also need to change gunicorn's logging configuration file setting to change the web process. * ``LOG_CONFIG_FILE``: Location of the logging configuration file; default: ``/home/seizu/seizu/logging.conf``