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Seizu (星図)

What is Seizu?

Seizu (星図) is a react/mui frontend and python backend for various forms of reporting of Neo4j graph data. It is well suited for building reporting for tools like cartography and starbase

Seizu includes:

  • A configuration-driven react/mui frontend, with support for a dashboard, arbitrary reports, using a row/panel based layout with various panel types for visualizing data

  • A backend worker that can run queries on a schedule, or triggered by graph events, with action plugins that can use the results; for example, sending query results to a slack channel, or an sqs queue

  • A backend worker that can push query results from panels into statsd, for historical data tracking purposes

  • A mechanism of providing SSO for Neo4j, when Seizu is placed behind an OAuth2 proxy

Getting started

Seizu has a quickstart guide, which can be used for evaluation, or development.
